Verify email
Verify email

verify email

Invalid – emails you should obviously remove from your list.Valid – emails that are not risky at all.Kickbox sorts emails into different categories: What Kinds of Emails are Risky and How Should I Handle Them? While Benchmark Email’s preliminary process helps assess your risk, it doesn’t subject your entire list to a complete scan. In general, it’s a good idea for everyone to verify their entire email list before importing it into an ESP. Benchmark Email flags users when the percentage of risky emails in the sample list exceeds its acceptable standard.

#Verify email verification

During the verification process, Kickbox checks email syntax (“does it have an symbol”), verifies its email domain (MX record) and confirms the address exists on the server using custom integrations. How Does Benchmark Email Verify the Emails on my List?īenchmark works with Kickbox to perform a preliminary scan on a portion of your list.

verify email

Since email service providers base their pricing on the number of subscribers each user has on their list, keeping invalid email addresses in the system is a recurring waste of precious marketing dollars. Plus, a high bounce rate can muddy your campaign metrics, making it more difficult to understand what’s working for the valid addresses on your list. This means that even valid addresses may not hear from you. If too many of your emails bounce back, this can hurt your deliverability. The underlying goal is to make a connection, which isn’t possible with an invalid address. Sending an email to a lot of addresses might make you feel productive, but if those addresses are not valid, you’re accomplishing nothing. The lower your bounce rate, the higher your deliverability, and the better your chances are of making it to the inbox. Verifying an email list is specifically helpful for reducing your number of undelivered messages. This could also get your email blacklisted. If you exceed them, they may be forced to suspend your account to maintain their reputation and deliverability rates. If you are emailing a stale or unmanaged list, you will likely cause a high number of all three.Įmail platforms have an obligation to enforce these thresholds. Internet service providers, spam monitors, and email security services all set thresholds for spam complaints, undelivered messages, and unsubscribes. Email service providers, like Benchmark Email, are proactive about verifying your emails to protect you from: Account Suspension When it comes to undelivered messaging, blasting your emails to an unverified list could result in some unfortunate consequences.

verify email

This process checks for undeliverable emails and based on the findings, the list is either rejected or approved. For example, when using Benchmark Email, our List Sampling Process deploys as soon as a user uploads a list into our system. List Verification is the process of removing undeliverable or dangerous emails from your list. In other words, it’s making sure that the messages you’re sending have somewhere to go. What is Email Verification?Įmail verification is the process of making sure the emails on your list are tied to an inbox. We’re going to dive into the what and why behind email verification so you can get more familiar with it and see how it can significantly improve your marketing efforts. If you aren’t totally convinced yet, don’t worry. So, what exactly is email verification and why is it stalling your email marketing efforts? Email verification is actually greatly beneficial to your email marketing process, and it’s something you’ll be grateful for down the line. You’re informed you need to verify the email addresses on your email list. You’re excited to get started, so you prepare to launch your first campaign by uploading your email list.

verify email

Picture it: You sign up with a great new email service provider (like Benchmark Email).

Verify email